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Mind of Miz 100 Episodes

Today is a special day...

We've reached 100 episodes!

Mind of Miz Logo

You've helped us grow

Thank you for listening and supporting the work we do.

What a milestone!


When we started this podcast, the idea was simple, help 21 people, friends of ours, understand Biblical truth better.


Little did we know that 100 episodes later we would have over 2k listens a month across all platforms!


These number are small for bigger podcasters, but for us, they are a huge blessing, it means God's Word is reaching people.

What does the future hold for us?

More growth, more episodes and a bigger footprint online.



Because the feedback we have gotten has been overwhelming. Our listeners want more, and the growth we have experienced shows us there are more people out there who want to listen to bold, Biblical truth.

We need your help...


From equipment upgrade to book purchases, software and paying the required fees for music and effects we use in our videos, we have thus far covered all our own expenses with personal funds and the generous financial giving from some of our subscribers.


Recently, we decided to hire a video editor. Having this position does several things for us:


  1. Opens up time for more research/study

  2. Helps scale the podcast in the future, to 4 full length episodes a week.

How exactly can you help?

Glad you asked! Here is how much money we would like to raise:


With the 230 followers/subscribers that we have across our platforms, reaching the goal of $10k means each one of you giving $44.


In today's economy, that seems like a big ask, and if you can't give, please pray, listen and tell others about us. 


However, if you can give, please know that any amount would go a long way in helping us grow this podcast. 

What will this cover?


This will mainly cover the cost of video editing for the next year. But it will also help cover additional software that may be required, and will help cover any extra video editing costs associated with special episodes we hope to produce in the future.

Become a Trusted Partner...


If you are already a subscriber, consider becoming a paid subscriber where you will help us determine what Bible studies we will do next, join us at trusted partners-only roundtables and get access to extended Bible studies that address the most pressing Bible questions you have.

Miz's commitment to you...


We are not a traditional non-profit organization, this podcast is really a passion project.


Yet, our passion project which we have invested heavily in with money and time, turns out to be a blessing for hundreds of listeners and has been heard now thousands of times.


I won't be able to pay you back, except by dedicating myself to the craft of expositing God's word, being bold and truthful and standing on the Biblical principles and values I believe we share together. This I will do with the help of God.


Thank you for reading.


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