There has been a darkness that is washing over America in an attempt to blot out the light. Can you see it? There has been a darkness that is washing over America in an attempt to blot out the light. Can you see it? It's a strange thing.

We are told, time and again to accept the deeds that are done in darkness as normal. To allow acts that once were relegated to the night time, to be done openly in the daytime.
Sin has quickly become the guiding force of what our culture does. But, “it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep: for now, salvation is nearer to us than when we believed. The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore, let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us behave properly as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, not in strife and jealousy.” (Romans 13:11-13)
Today we make our decisions without consulting God. We live as if we have figured life out on our own. We make sure to moralize every choice we make without ever questioning if God has chosen us to love Him. And even less to consider that if He has not chosen us, we ought to throw ourselves at the mercy of God that He may forgive our sins.
People who live in glee with their sin, are dark souls. Why do Christians pretend otherwise? Why do Christians pretend that the sin that abounds before us is no different than the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah before the eyes of Lot and his family?
Why does the church keep capitulating to the demands of the wicked? Why does it not stand in solitude for the word of God? Anyone who accepts the sinful behaviors all too prevalent today is in peril of being consumed by the wrath of God. Are we saying the church wants to actively take part in that wrath?
Christians are to love our enemies, to love sinners, but we stand idly by as they go hand in hand to hell together. Is that what we call love? No! It’s hypocrisy. That is, knowing the truth of God’s Word but being too afraid to preach it to the world because you may lose a friend or a loved one.
Yet these same so called Christians cheer the false prophets when they quote holy scripture that he who gives up father or mother or house for the kingdom’s sake will get a hundredfold in this lifetime…the problem is, no one is willing to lose anything.
We want to keep it all, including the good graces of a sinful world. But leave all that behind. That is the call that Christ gave to His disciples: Follow me! And how can we follow Christ when we are too busy making sure the world likes us?
You are wrong if you think you must be nice to people. No. We must be truthful. We must “put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lust.” (Romans 13:14)

Stop pretending the culture is right. It’s not. In fact, the culture is of its father the devil. And if you open your eyes, you will see their father in all the wicked acts touted as normal today. Repent. We must follow Christ, no matter the cost.